Lead With Feminine Magnificence

In a perfect world where love and honor prevail, asking your potential lover about commitment would be a natural, welcomed conversation.

Unfortunately, popular media tends to promote rushed physical intimacy without regard for health or emotional connection. This suppression of feminine wisdom keeps many relationships superficial.

The Most Romantic Time Ever!

As a goddess-in-training, you have the power to reshape outdated narratives by demonstrating your worth. Before sexually bonding, spend meaningful time together beyond the bedroom. Have playful dates, long talks and meet his friends and family. Avoid situations tempting intimacy as attachment hormones can cloud your discernment. This time can be the most romantic time and it’s time you can never get back. When you have the intention of making it fun and exciting, the two of you will hold the experience close to your heart.

Ask This Question First

When you’re ready to make love, first have a heart-centered conversation: "I care for you and want to better understand your intentions. Where do you see this relationship going?" Then listen deeply and pay attention to what he says next.

Don't broach this when you’re both already sexually aroused. The goal is his truthful vision, not physically pleasuring you. From a place of confidence and self worth, allow him time to answer fully knowing that direct communication guides the relationship you deserve.

We've been socially conditioned to give away our most precious gift too hastily, then feel emotionally stressed while grasping for commitment. But you are the author of this story. Date patiently, intimately revealing your commitments before sharing your bodies. Allow his investment to demonstrate genuine care. Then initiate delightful conversations about values, dreams and the adventures you’ll have together.

I Know It Can Be Scary

I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking that you may lose him if you ask him about his intentions. The very thought of asking him this question can bring a shortness of breath! I felt the same way before I asked my husband this question. But good guys are open to this inquiry and will cherish you when you’re open to hearing to his answer. I promise you, this is how you ignite your feminine magnificence. I’ve seen time and time again the success women have when they take this to heart and lead their relationships spiritually by claiming their highest level of value.

Now some men may resist this pace. But by leading conscious courtship, you attract men who value connections beyond conquest. You train him through incrementally escalating intimacy matched by verbal reassurances and appreciations for his qualities and character. Sharing your truest self slowly, you avoid painful whiplash when your masks eventually fall away.

Set the pace according to your comfort, not others’ timelines. Make choices from your standards and communicate your needs and desires without apology. Watch if he follows or resists. This reveals if you’re heading in the same direction. Healthy relating means you both expand through pleasure and presence.

The Power Of The Divine Feminine

Lead the relationship according to your values. Manifest the relationship of your dreams by holding in your heart the courage to question and welcome sacred intimacy on your terms using your feminine vulnerability and grace.

The men worth keeping will rise to meet you. By honoring your emotional, spiritual and physical sovereignty first, you attract partners doing the same. For when the divine feminine is centered, she magnetizes all in alignment to mirror her worthiness back to her. This creates relationships of lasting substance and depth and activates our masculine counterparts to rise to their full potential. A treasured gift indeed!




An Open Letter To My Sisters


Find Meaning in Life's Unanswered Questions